We just acquired a trustee's mineral distribution deed in an inheritance, a 50/50 split with a brother. The inheritance was handled through a trust managed by Wells Fargo bank and we just received papers about this. The area is described as "342.2 acres tract of land, being the West 342.2 acres of H&TC RR co., Survey, Section No. 38, Block 2 (being the Edward Probert Survey Abstract 984) in Harris County, Texas." We have no idea what this means for us at this time and whether we should contact an O&G attorney. Our research got us as far as finding a plugged well (about 13K in depth) with a directional line on the map (http://wwwgisp.rrc.texas.gov/) going east on this property (API 20131430). The drilling and the capping occurred in the 80s. All Wells Fargo said in their "dear beneficiaries" letter is that there are no revenue payments. I am not sure how much research they did given the briefness of their letter. Should we investigate further or file the deed away in a "well-gee-that-was-interesting" folder? Thank you for your time - this is such a great informational site.
Hey, Griffin -
Attached is a map and listing of Wells that are currently producing in a pretty broad area around your lands.
Also attached is a map and listing of the most recently leases taken in the same broad area.
There has been no leasing in your area since 2010. The leases immediately to the west of you were from 2004.
While many of the Wells in your area began producing in the 1980s, from anywhere from 7,500 feet to 10,500 feet, and many had pretty decent cumulative production rates over the course of their productive lives, all but a few appear to have been Plugged and Abandoned.
There is nothing exciting or even mildly interesting going on in your area. There is no telling what the future might bring, but for the present: Folder.
One thing to remember: If you ever lease your interests, add a provision to the lease requiring that the company provide you with any Abstracts of Title, Title Runsheet and Title Opinions covering your lands for your records. Those items set out the history of your land, all the way back to Sovereignty and are extremely expensive to prepare. You will get a set for free.
Hope this helps -
Charles Emery Tooke III
Certified Professional Landman
Fort Worth, Texas
795-AREAPRODUCINGWELLS.pdf (309 KB) 796-AREALEASING.pdf (435 KB)Thank you very much Charles for this information!
You're welcome. Wish it was better news.
You should make sure the deed was recorded in the land or property records. Sometimes the trust companies haven’t recorded the deed prior to sending it to the beneficiaries.
Good suggestion. Will research this. Thank you!
If it has been recorded, it will have the Date, Time, Instrument Number and maybe a Volume and Page Stamped on it from the County Clerk's o\Office. If you don't see anything like that, then you need to call the County Clerk's Office and find out how much it will cost to have it filed of record. You may also be required to provide them with a Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope for them to use in returning the original to you after they record it.
Duly noted. Thanks, Charles!