Inherited Mineral Rights - Any drilling?

Hi! We just inherited some mineral rights in Pittsburg County. Probate is complete and they have been deed to us.

I’ll be doing my best to research the ins and outs of things but figured I would ask for some help here as well.

I believe it is undivided 13.33 net mineral rights in NE/4 of Section 7, Township 7 North, Range 17 East.

I also believe there is a lease from 2007 under Virginia Maser I found on the

I contacted Merit who I believe took over Grizzly? Waiting to hear back from them for any info.

Questions are -Anyone have any info on drilling in that area? -For a copy of the lease, do I need to buy it from ok county records or would the county just email it? (I’m going to call them this week and see) -We don’t really have an interest in selling the rights but just for our own knowledge, how much is something like this worth?

Thanks for any help! Drew

Welcome to the forum. You can download a copy of the lease directly from for a small fee.

You can find any drilling on the OCC well records site.

Given that there are lots of horizontal drilling in nearby sections, you may get a new well or more in that section if the economics are right.

Be sure to get the instrument, such as a probate order or trustee’s deed, that shows that you inherited the minerals to the operator along with an IRS W9 form.

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Thanks for both replies!

Yeah we sent the probate docs, copy of the mineral deed and W9s to Merit.

And I appreciate the other info.

Any off the cuff number on the value of 13 acres of mineral rights are worth?

I couldn’t comment on the value. It would be wise to get a professional appraisal and let the estate pay for it. You will need that number if you ever decide to sell (capital gains purposes). The Directories tab above has some names.

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