Inherited Mineral Rights in Arkansas

My brother-in-law’s father left him mineral rights in Arkansas, and he cannot find any of the paperwork on them and he doesn’t remember the name of the mining company. He has asked me to try to find out any information on them that I can find. Only problem is that I don’t know where to start looking for them. He asked me to get mineral right information and I would but like I said I do not know where to start, If anyone could give me any advice or information I would really appreciate it.

Thank you Ayenerall

Start with a call to the County of record for any deeds they have on file

If his dad was getting paid, there may be some 1099s or check stubs which will help you along your way. These would name the companies and/or the well information. If the minerals are no producing, searching county land and probate records may the needed.

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