Is offer to buy legit

My siblings and I and other relatives own mineral rights in McClain County that are currently leased, in sections 17, 20 and 29. Some want to keep their rights and some would be interested in selling for the right price. Can anyone tell me what a reasonable purchase offer would be in this area? We’ve received a couple of offers for $4500/MA (our royalty is 3/16) and one offer considerably higher from a company called J & A Minerals in Tuttle, OK. Has anyone done business with this company? How can I learn more about what level of income we might possibly get if current wells are productive, what sale price would be reasonable, and how to make sure those who wish to sell are dealing with a legitimate and trustworthy buyer? Any advice appreciated!

You need to give the rest of the location as your are missing the township and range. There are many townships with sections 17, 20 and 29. Location matters. Potential drilling is probably driving the offer, so we cannot answer without the correct township and range.

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