What is the status of this well? Is it currently producing?
Well #1 in Harris County, A-809, survey Toby, T. RRC location: Lat27: 29.9753488, Long27: -95.0990055 Lat83: 29.97556861, Long83: -95.09921277 Thank you.
What is the status of this well? Is it currently producing?
Well #1 in Harris County, A-809, survey Toby, T. RRC location: Lat27: 29.9753488, Long27: -95.0990055 Lat83: 29.97556861, Long83: -95.09921277 Thank you.
On RRC’s online map the well in the Toby survey A-809 with the coordinates you posted is shown with a symbol that unusally indicates it producing, or at least hasn’t been plugged. But it must a very old well because RRC’s online system doesn’t show it’s name or other details. Since the other wells in that survey are all shown as being plugged I’m guess the well you are interested in is no longer producing but for some reason isn’t showing up as plugged.
You may have to contact the RRC records section in Austin and ask them to pull the records gong back further than what’s online to confirm its status.
Kinda what I thought. I appreciate your reply. Thanks.
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