Jamex Drilling

Is Jamex continuing to drill in Cherokee County?

Hello leonkathy, this link shows all approved wells for Jamex in Cherokee County Texas since 2017(2 pages). The last submitted permit for Cherokee County was in March 2022 and that permit was filed by Martin Foree Operating, Inc.


Yes we are able to access the drilling permits for Cherokee County. We are noticing a slow down of drilling from Jamex and wondered if anyone on here had any knowledge of their future plans>

Looks like the last Cherokee well Jamex filed a completion on was in July, 2019. The last drilling permitted they got approved was in October, 2020 and it apparently hasn’t been drilled yet. The most recent leases they’ve recorded were in May, 2021.

With current gas prices you’d think they would be adding more in those units where they completed first or second wells in 2017-2018.

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