Janssen A-1U unable to reach ProEx

Hello everyone, I previously posted in May and received a couple of helpful responses. I sent a certified letter to the ProEx LLC ownder Cassandra Schultz and she did not sign for the letter. It was returned to us by the USPS after several weeks since she did not claim the letter. I then followed up by mailing a non certified letter. ProEx is listed as an in use company and their last filing was in early 2023. We have received no communication from ProEx regarding our Janssen A 1U-property number 4036 in a long time. The 330 Rayford Road address belongs to a UPS facility so there is no point mailing a letter to that address. Is there anyone who can assist me in reaching anyone with ProEx? If not, what is the next step to take? I’ve already contacted the railroad commission and the county assessor who has confirmed our ownership. I’ve been trying for months without success to get answers our about leases. The API No. is 42-255-30225) Thank you!

Janssen A well has 2 RRC Gas ID as it was originally producing from 2 formations. 1U (upper) is 02-062357 and 1L (lower) is 02-062358. The 1L zone has not produced for several decades. The production reports for 1U zone shows that 140 bbl oil was sold in July 2023 and then production fell off to only a couple bbl per month. Last gas production was 81 mcf in November 2023. Operator has filed no reports for December 2023 forward. Are there other producing wells holding your lease? Review your lease provisions to see if it has expired. Hopefully the tax valuation by Karnes CAD has been reduced to zero for 2024.

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