Oil & gas discussion group for those interested in Johnson County, WY. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.
Yo All,
Me and my relations are getting offers ($400 m.a. bonus) on an existing perpetual lease for 5 years w/3 year option to renew ... over 300 acres
involved in Johnson county ... can anyone exchange info. about who is
operating up there in exchange for better coordinates? Dated - July 2011
My family has signed a lease for the mineral rights on Sections 5 & 6 45N-80W Johnson County. The terms seemed at least similar to what others were being offered. I am curious if anybody has any info on activity in the area.
My family's lease is for 5 years (starting 1/18/11). 29.5 acres @ $200/acre for lease. 3/16 royalty The land company that has the lease is Continental Land Resources in Edmond, OK. Ya'll have any opinions to share on this?
My family owns 320 acres in Johnson County, WY that my grandfather homesteaded in the early 1900’s. It is currently under lease that will expire in September 2013. We were recently offered a top lease for $250/acre – 5 years – 16.667% royalty. N/2 Section 35 47N 80W. We have decided to decline this offer and see what happens as the expiration date of the current lease approaches. Does anyone have any comments, suggestions, or information on activity in the area? Any feedback would be much appreciated.
If you go to wogcc.state.wy.us there are several subsites that take you to google earth maps of where wells are and where permits have been applied for. To look farther down the road go to the Johnson County Clerk's document search (pay site). They have put up everything that has been filed with the County since June, 2011, including mineral leases, assignments (sales) of leases, and assignments of royalties. These show that the T45-46 R79-80 area is very hot. Anadarko has accumulated rights to thousands of acres from T46 R79 northward and eastward. Black Hills E & P has done the same from about there westward and southward. This suggests permitting activity is coming, probably this year. Good luck.
Is 18.7 percent pma the going rate being offered in Johnson County?
Has anyone recieved royalty payments from Black Elk for existing leases since 2013?
Please contact me re: BLACK HILLS ROYALTY PAYMENT OR NONPAYMENT in this area from 2015 forward.
Please contact me re: payment/nonpayment of royalties from Black Hills wells. thanks