Hello there, My father has been going through old records and came across the mineral rights in Lea County previously purchased by my great grandfather. Apparently there are some royalties that have not been paid and I am trying to figure out how to go about getting these things in order. Would anyone be able to help me? The information that I have is that the land is North 1/2 and Southwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 15 South, Range 38 East, Lea County NM. Any help would be much appreciated
Check with the Unclaimed funds with the state treasurer’s office. You may also have to go through the Lea County courthouse records to see if the minerals were sold. All of the wells have been plugged and abandoned.
The NM mapping website is ArcGIS Web Application
Determine any amounts that have been sent to unclaimed funds. This will tell you the value of any title work that will be required. Title work may not be required to make a claim on the funds.
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