Just received an oil lease offer

I am not sure if this is a decent offer or not. This is a 320 acre parcel that I own 1/4 interest in (undefined).

My concerns are:

Injury liability on my property. Water rights (I don’t want to give it away). $4,000 seems low. I got $25K from Chesapeake a few years ago but oil prices were higher. 15% (3.75% is my share?) seems high especially if I am being charged production costs.

Here are some screenshots. What do I go from here?

I wanted to post more screenshots but since I am new I can’t.

I found a way to post these. Thanks

What township range and section are your mineral located in?

T-38 N R-66 W Section - 3:S2

Hi Ted, I am 2 townships below you T36R36. We had a very low offer a few months ago and declined. We also did business with Chesapeake until 2016 for $$$$. Nothing is happening in Niobrara County now, so we are unleased at the moment. This is a low offer and will tie you up for 5 years. I have been in the forum for years and have never seen anybody from Niobrara Co.! Best of luck!

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The highest government lease I could find nearby in the last 6 months or so was this one:


It has a bonus of $66 an acre and a 12.5% lease rate. I believe their standard lease is for 5 years.

For your offer, I wouldn’t think a 15% lease would be worth your time at this point and I certainly wouldn’t recommend an extension. However I don’t think there are better offers in your area right now. However that could all change at anytime. Hope that helps.

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Thank you. Since nothing is happening in this area I’m tempted to go for the cash. I’d like liability protection and i don’t want to give away the water. You are correct though, 5 years is a longtime and I need to understand if there are triggered extensions I’m not seeing.

Yes, this is my dilemma. I could use the $4,000. I did find an added addendum I used to protect myself last time around. I am considering adding to it a lessened timeframe. 3 years with a 2 year option.