Hello, and thank you for your time. I would greatly appreciate if someone could give me a call to help me better understand. I'm so much better at speaking than typing. Thank you again! 352-376-5731
Has anyone called you yet?
Hi Jeff, yes. someone did call me and gave me some great insight. I am always open to more though.
I too need some knowledge. We were just notified that we have ownership of 00.02817 net mineral acres and are being offered 200.00 for a 5 year lease plus 15% royalty rate return. Given the fact that their are 92 heirs I need to see if this is a good price in West Union District, Doddridge County West Virginia
Keith, I have much knowledge since my post. Has anyone contacted you Sir?
Comment by Arnold L Stuart 17 hours agoDelete Comment
Kieth, I just recently received a lease to sign in West Union for two partials,total for both 0.31acres total offer came to $400.00 The offer came from Scott Link Land Services,a Rep for Antero Resources. I called him back and had him add a Market Enhancement Clause (Gross Proceeds). and mentioned that I on the average have been getting $1500.an Acre. He send me a Exhibit A, adding the Gross Proceeds Clause and increased the $$ to $500.00. I accepted the offer and signed.
Very smart move there Arnold!
Hey Keith, this is very similar to my offer. My landsman is Andy Pauling from Antero