Kidder County, ND Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Kidder County, ND oil & gas discussion group. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.

I am from out of state I hear about all the drilling going on in ND is there any leaseing or drilling going on in the county? I inheirted some min . up there and was wanting to know if any thing was going on.

Yes, I have mineral interests in Kidder County:

TWN 144 North,Range 74 West, Section 10: SW1/4, W1/2NW1/4,

SE1/4NW1/4,Lot 2, SE1/4

Greetings, I'm new to the forum and I've inherited mineral/gas rights in Kidder and Burleigh Counties. Any drilling going on?