I would call Newfield in Tulsa, marathon, Husky and chaparral in OKC. All are active in Kingfisher or want to. Unfortunately the drop in prices may curtail leasing but you never know. Good luck
To Scott,
If you sign insist on a clause that requires the Leasing company to keep you informed as they would working interests owners. I can get no realtime information from Newfield even thou the would eventually have to file with the State. I may have to make a trip to Kingfisher just to estimate by the # of storage tanks, etc. at the well site. john Mehew
Chaparral wants to put 3 wells on my property. Does anyone have an Idea about what I should ask for surface rights
Scott, Husky is probably your best bet. They just received permission for a horizontal well in 24-18N-8W just north of you. Most of their drilling is in the NE corner of the township, but it may spread your way. I see Dale Oklahoma LLC and Griffith Land Services are in the township leasing for someone.
I had an oil company stake a location on my property and they don’t have a lease. anyone ever seen this behavior before? what should i do?
Newfield keeps a tight Lipp on things but at least they don’t file permits to drill and never do anything about them. And they get after the drilling.
Scott, apparently your mom’s lease had a two year extension on it, hence the automatic check. Husky seems to be the player in 18N-8W, but companies often are minority partners in wells, so it is likely that CPK will cut a deal with Husky along the line here. They are keeping their fingers in the pot. You could get a horizontal well out of this, but will be at your mom’s initial terms.
Note to everyone else-two year options are not usually a good idea. Read your lease carefully, sometimes they are tagged onto the end and never mentioned out loud by the clever landman. It means they can hold your acreage for up to five years instead of the three you thought. Often bonus offers go up (or down) during those five years, but you won’t get the chance to negotiate.
Scott, you may want to make sure that Kingfisher county courthouse has all of your mom’s (or your) current address on all tracts of land. Call the county clerk’s office for how to do that. Only costs a little bit. Then you make sure all land folks can find your mom for the future. Checks don’t get delayed, etc.
You might want to also check the unclaimed funds for Oklahoma to make sure you aren’t missing any money from anyone else for her due to the address change. I do it once a year on both my mom and dad (who are deceased). Funds are often held for seven years so things pop up all the time. Some years I find things, some years I don’t. This year was about $500 in random things going back to 2004. (I ran a check last year and they weren’t there.) I run my own name (and everyone in my family) in my state. Just found some loose items on myself having nothing to do with minerals.
John, what is your S-T-R?
Are you a surface owner or mineral owner or both?
Tim, M Barnes, and John: Thanks for the tips and info. I have a new development. I just opened a check in the mail from Chesapeake for the 2 year extension on the contract. I had moved my mom from Kingfisher to Idaho recently and apparently Chesapeake did not have the correct address therefore the check was late getting to us and whoever I had spoken to at Chesapeake gave me bad information that they were not extending.
Now I guess I’m curious, if they didn’t drill after having 3 years to decide, why would they extend the lease for another 2 years? Should this give me hope and does anyone know if Chesapeake is drilling in the area of Section 35-18N-8W?
Great advice, thanks M Barnes!
Hi guys, anyone have any information on activity in Section 3-17N-9W? Thanks in advance. Lane
Lane, Horizontal well in 5 & 8 by Newfield. Pretty quite in 3.
Thank you. Got an offer there for 3500 and 3/16ths on a 3 year lease no extension clause. Sounds reasonable?
Guess it isn’t so quiet anymore!
Newfield’s pooling in 8 & 5 was for $1000 3/16th, so you can see the difference! Now the questions to ask are: is the offer from a regular player or a speculator-trustworthy or not? Can you get the leases clauses you want and should get. If you have never leased before, friend me and I will walk you through the important ones.
Am keeping track of a multi-unit, horizontal test well to test the Mississippian, Woodford, Hunton zones. Well will be drilled from a surface location in the SE/4 or Section 8-16N-8W northward to Section 5-16N-8W. I have a family interest in Sect. 8. Newfield Exploration (client of Turner Oil & Gas Properties) is the developer. Hope this adds something to the discussion.
Check out OK Energy Today.com on Royalty owners section on left side. An new level of royalty for Kingfisher county has been set.
Newfield acting on extensions of original leases from CHK which are just now expiring. My brother in law got his mineral lease extended for two more years at $400 an acre. Right next door is the $4500 an acre Newfield Lease. A very good example of why not to do extensions…
Hi, any one know whats happening with Anderson 21-18-63H Kingfisher County, Chesapeake Spudded in Sept, but no further info on Occ, any update would be appreciated.
Very Best Regards
John Mehew The Freeman 1H-14x in Sept. did 9,583BO & 6664MCF of gas
Can anyone recommend income tax prep software that is good for royalty reporting?