Land usage for oil have 20 acres

Hi, i had asked a question and Clint, gave me answer. I was wondering, is there any reason, why no one is interested in block 14 Section 7! Is it because there wouldn’t be and oil under it ? I also think it’s strange, that who ever owns the mineral rights, has never contacted me. Does anyone else feel ,that this odd ! Would they ( OIL companies) just working their way towards that property? I have lots questions, just have write them down,so don’t forget them .lolThank you William Sweeney

Good Morning William, I assure you there is oil/gas under your acreage. There are 2 horizontal wells(API 389-35657 & 35924) that go through the far western part of Sec. 14 that are doing fairly well. In the past 2 years those 2 wells(lease # 49858) have produced 177,125 barrel oil and 217,362,000 cubic feet of gas.

Those 2 wells together are still producing 200 barrel oil per day and 166,000 cubic feet gas per day. Be patient William…the oil companies know there is oil/gas under your property.

GIS Map of Reeves County Section 14/Block 7/A-3874:


William, if you only own the surface rights, not any of the mineral interest in that property, why do you think the owner of the mineral interest in your tract would have any reason to contact you? Did you obtain surface control of the property when you acquired it? In other words, did the mineral owner waive their rights to use the surface of the property to explore for or produce the minerals?

The mineral owner is the only one who would be contacted by companies interested in leasing those mineral rights, and once those mineral rights were leased, which I expect they have been in that area, that company would not have any reason to contact you unless you also have surface control of the property and they want to build a drill site, or other surface facilities, on your particular 20 acres.

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Generally owners of severed minerals do not contact the surface owner. The oil company which leases the minerals will contact the surface owner about payment for well pad, electric line, pipelines and roads which cross that part of the surface. Otherwise you may not hear from the oil company if it has no use for your surface. Other pipeline companies, electric companies, saltwater disposal well companies, etc. may contact you about using the surface that they want to use. It is always a good idea to find your surface on the RRC gis viewer and watch for well locations which might be on part of your surface.


I inherited family land and it was 50 years before any drilling was done. Section 19, block 7

My sister and I would always kid each other and say “one day our well will come in”.

It took a long time but two wells were drilled and the oil came in.

More wells may be drilled in the future but it may not be in my lifetime. It will make a good inheritance for my children.


Thank you tennisDaze,sorry I couldn’t respond sooner. Could you give me a quick lesson on the rrc gis viewer…thank you Billy Sweeney.

Thank you Dusty,sorry I couldn’t get back too you…ended up in the hospital… I was only wondering because, I have had companies, put pipes through the property, and didn’t know if where they put them in, would cause a problem for the mineral owners to get their minerals out. Thanks again Billy

Thank you Clint, couldn’t read entire replies. I was in the hospital unfortunately…but thank you very much for answering my question…hopefully one day, I will hear from them.:grin:

William:Glad to hear U R out of the hospital and hope U R recovering and on the mend. Take care. Clint

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