Latest Activity on S28 McClain Co

Any new (or latest) activity on S28 6N 4W , or on nearby sections, that would give this un-informed mineral owner a better understanding of "what to expect or do"? I remember reading that "one of you" has an interest in the same area as my E/2 NE/4. Thanks, anything will be helpful towards a decision. Ted Fletscher

There was a force pooling in 30-6N-4W for $250 and 1/8, etc in 2012. Charter Oaks in the area. Eagle Rock in the area. Offers to buy have been in the neighborhood or $2500-$3000 per acres. But I would hang on. This is heating up. I leased for $600/ac within a few miles of you. Read the mineral forums for Grady, Stephens, McClain and Garvin to get a feel for what is going on. Good tips from folks.

Thanks much, especially so quickly, Ted

M Barnes said:

There was a force pooling in 30-6N-4W for $250 and 1/8, etc in 2012. Charter Oaks in the area. Eagle Rock in the area. Offers to buy have been in the neighborhood or $2500-$3000 per acres. But I would hang on. This is heating up. I leased for $600/ac within a few miles of you. Read the mineral forums for Grady, Stephens, McClain and Garvin to get a feel for what is going on. Good tips from folks.