Lea County Oil Lease

My family has Oil & Mineral rights for 10 acres in Lea County. It's locted at Township 9 South, Range 36 East, NMPM Section 17: SW/4 SW/4 NW/4. The lease is with MBF Land Services, LLC for 5 years. Can anyone provide me with any information on where this property is located and if there is any activity on the site. The rights have been passed through my family by Heirship as the Deed is still recorded in my Great Grandfather's name.


Check out the attached PDF. It shows your property as a purple square. Let me know if you need more detail.

N Case

583-SW4SW4NW4S17T9SR36E.pdf (527 KB)

Also, from this web site: NM OCD Oil you can get a map like the one shown above... shows no wells near Sec 17.

Thanks for the help. How do you get authorization to sign into the NM OCD Oil web site?

Michael, I should have given you this link: NM OCD GIS then click on 'Oil and Gas Map' HTH

Thank you