Lease conversion

Hi. New to the forum. I’ve received a notice from Koda Resources about a lease I’ve had in Divide Co. North Dakota. It says:

“This is stemming from a reverse and rebook we just did due to the Porter 2614-2BH reaching PAYOUT. FYI – we will be sending notifications that as an unleased working interest owner in the Porter 2614-2BH, when our well reached payout +50%, we converted your unleased ownership to a Working Interest.”

I also owe a JIB and am not familiar with these.

I’m not interested in this conversion. Am I obligated to go with it?

Thanks for any light you can shed.


Are there any lease interest in the M. M. Vann Survey, A-752 area?

Also, we are looking for assistance in determining the size of the lease area. If you could provide any assistance in Shelby County for this, please respond.

It is better to ask questions like this in the state and county where they are located.

If your name and address are properly filed in the county courthouse (with your title info such as a probate or deed), then agents will find you. The agent would only be able to lease what you own, so that is extremely variable.

You can look up your area on the Texas Railroad Commission website. Start with the County options on the upper left. Then put in your survey using the magnifying glass in the upper middle. Here is zoomed out example. There are actually three Vann surveys, so you need the Abstract number

as you zoom in further, note that the wells will show how. Parts of the larger Vann A-752 have a well or two. A756- as a small part of a well already. The little one A-755 does not-yet. If there is a producing well, then that spacing unit is leased.

You can look up minerals rights (to some extent) on A one county search is free to look. A bit to print. The digital files only go back so far.

If you have furthe questions, post them over in Texas Mineral Rights, Shelby County. Put your survey. block, abstract and section in the body of the text.

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