Lease from 2006

I recently came across a lease agreement that has 3 different wells and 2 different companies we have never collected royalties from. We also have another lease with the same problem. How do I backtrack to prove we are the beneficiaries? Looks our deed information got lost along the way.

Hi, Jo Lynn -

It is not difficult to prove heirship, although some States require that a deceased person's estate be brought before a Probate Court.

Where are the properties located?


Charles Emery Tooke III

Certified Professional Landman

Fort Worth, Texas

the properties are Sec 4, T 14N, R 3E - 26 acres.

We went thru probate in 1996 when my grandmother passed away.

What State and County?

Do you know the name(s) of the Company(ies) and Wells?

Sec 27, T 17N R 4E, Lincoln County:

Porter 1A

Sec 4, T 14N, R 3E - Lincoln County

Daisy 1-H

Barnet 1-4

Irving 1-4

Yes I know that they have not produced much, but am still trying to track them down. I also have another question, whatever oil/gas is produced is divided by owners etc by the acreage, shouldn't we in turn be receiving any royalties from other owners on the same acreage?

the properties are Sec 4, T14, R3E - 26 acres.

We went thru probate in 1996 when my grandmother passed away.

What State?

I am sorry, Oklahoma.

I don't know if the following will help:

Porter 1A 3508120678 - phone is now is now disconnected so I cannot find out who was there before Black Cat Oil

Daisy 1-H 3508123918 (this phone is no longer in service as of last week when he was supposed to call me back)

Irving 1-4 SWD 35081237270001

Irving 1-4 SWD 3508123727

Barnett 1-43508123689

Barnet 1-4 35081236890001

I do understand that none of them ever produced very much.

Jo Lynn -

This information helps. The numbers you set out are American Petroleum Institute (API) Numbers. One is assigned for each physical hole in the ground.

But there seem to be several Wells with the same API Numbers, so it will take me a little while to sort that part out.

Not feeling too chipper this afternoon. I may download the information tonight, but it may be tomorrow or the next day before I get back with you.

Appreciate your patience -


it is Ventura Energy Services, Bruce Walker for the last 4

Mid States for the Daisy Well

I appreciate any help you can give to me. I just wonder how many if any other wells are on the same property. Hope you feel better

Thank you. I do too.

Do you have legal descriptions for the various properties? With those, I can try and locate and identify every well located on or possibly including your lands.

Yes, Sec 4, township 14N, range 3E - after all of my due diligence, I found that Taylor Intl has been holding my grandmothers royalties for the Barnett and Irving wells, yay, so all I have to do on those is get a Quit deed… So for that 26 acres I have the Daisy well that is being operated by Mid States, they have not yet called me back. And Sec 27, township 17N, range 4E On this lot, Black Cat Oil was drilling, as of today, their phones have been disconnected so I never got to find out who was drilling prior to them. A few months ago we were contacted by American Energy for a notice of hearing, but found out it was being drilled on so backed out. So I now need to find out if the Black Cat Oil has shut down or what is going on, there are royalties out there, just need to back track. Thanks for your help.

Thank you Charles. I have finally contacted each of the operators and the companies. The only thing I am questioning is if there are more operators on the section 4 property that I may not know of. We are getting the Quit deeds, will, and death certificate to get the ball rolling. Thank you for all of your help.

Glad you are in touch with them.

I understand about Section 4 and Section 27, but what tracts of land within those Sections do your family have interests in? The entire Sections or only part(s) of them?

I can't tell you what has happened on your lands without a proper legal description for each tract.

Also, your Quitclaim Deeds will need to have a proper legal description on each of the properties. You can't say "all my interests in Section 4 and Section 27" anymore. The laws changed.

The document says the following: The north 26 acres of the center 1/3 rd of the SE/4 of section 4-14N-3E

What about Section 27? Do you own interest in the whole thing?

Sorry, we have 2 separate ones, let me backtrack The one from 2006, the north 26 acres of the 1/3rdbof the SE/4; of Section 4, Township 14 N, Range 3 East

It includes the following rigs, Daisy, Barnett and Irving

Most recently: Section 27, Township 17 N, Range 4E, the other common sources of supply is Section of the same Township and Range. The well already on there is Porter 1A in which we have never received royalties, nor is there a trust set up in my grandmothers name.

Thanks for your help, I am learning along the way. The Exhibit on the notice of hearing includes the following sections, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 17N-4E

Hello Charles, I now have the final Distributiondecree, here are the descriptions: E 19.5 acres of the E 39 acres of the W half of the SE quarter of Sec 11, Twnshp 16 N, Region 3E of the I.M.

E half of the NW quarter of Sec 27, Twnshp 17N, Region 4E of the I.M.

OK, I have
1) E 19.5 acres of the E 39 acres of the W Half of the SE Quarter, Section 11, T16N-R3e, IM
2) E Half of the NW Quarter, Section 27, T17N-R4E, IM
3) N 26 acres of the Center 1/3 of the SE Quarter, Section 4, T14N-R3E, IM
Anything else?
I am busy with several projects and headed to a County Courthouse tomorrow, so it may be the weekend before I get back to you.
Sounds like the companies are helping you. That's good.