Friends - after many years of being unleased, I received a lease offer last week for our modest 30 acres in north Cherokee, J. Hamilton survey A-23. A little research on your site and Tx RRC has uncovered some activity in the area and what appears to be impressive results about 1 mile away with 07331537 Wilkinson McElroy - (same operator). Any thoughts on what the counter offer should be? Offer was $200/acre 3/16 3 year + 2 year option. Or should I just hold out? This was my dad's favorite place...just want to do right by him as best as possible. Many thanks.
Thanks very much. Offer was from an agent representing Buffco. Should I sit tight and see what Tanos has to say? I mistakenly thought Buffco drilled the Wilkenson well, but the completion report showed Tanos as operator. You provide a great service to mineral owners in the area. THANKS VERY MUCH any other advice is always appreciated.
Yes, I would give Tanos a call and see what they will offer. You might get a bidding war going on.
Contact info for Tanos in Tyler, Texas:
Greetings Cuazy,
We are also leasing about 33 net acres in the Hamilton survey A-23. Our offer from Cox Consulting is $250, 1/5. I countered with 1/4. Did you lease? Thanks, WSD