I have a lease offer from Wingman Energy on Carter County, OK, 3-4S-1E.
Is anyone aware of any activity here?
Is anyone familiar with Wingman Energy?
I have a lease offer from Wingman Energy on Carter County, OK, 3-4S-1E.
Is anyone aware of any activity here?
Is anyone familiar with Wingman Energy?
Seems to be quite a bit of leasing activity (orange icons) near your section. Grantees are listed as Oso Resources, TC Craighead and Pointer O&G for the nearest 3.
Pointer Oil and Gas made an offer to our family in March. Our minerals in 6-4S-1 E. We chose to ignore it . Appears to be little activty on our side of the Meridian. We want to know if the company is really an operating company or representing an operator. In 2015 we leased to Bearcat for Continental Drilling, but the lease ran out through the 3 years plus the 2 year option to renew.
On Drilling Info, Pointer O&G doesn’t have any producing wells in OK, so they are likely a lease broker – which is not necessarily bad.
Wingman may be new on the scene. I do not see any wells or leases with their name in OK.
Online search of Oklahoma public records shows no Wingman since 2015, and that was probably not the same Wingman. They must be new or operating under a new name.
Thanks, everyone. I appreciate the help.
The landman for Wingman won’t say who they’re leasing for (that’s quite common), but says that it’s an actual operator trying to put together a seriously intended horizontal well plan here.
Thanks–Interesting response. There was a seismic survey done on our property sometime during the lease period.
Rudy_Ramsey, I always want to know who the ultimate leaseholder will be, and considerate advantage to the leasing activity if it is a company that has had success in the basin. I would not sign a lease without knowing that.
We recently Received an offer from Wingman Energy. I can’t find anything about the company. Did anyone find out if they are legit?
See the topic of conversation here. What is your mineral location?
Agree with Donald Skotty. If they are leasing for a particular operator, that is a good sign.
I too have been approached by Wingman and was told the same things you have said…i am going to sign but need to wait on title search to clarify my acreage amount. Seems pretty legit to me…keep me updated. thanks
Your minerals in the same area in T 4S R1E?
That is correct…do you have anymore information that may help in learning who the contractor is?
What section are we talking about in 4S 1E?? Wingman sounds familiar or they may have tried to contact me. Thanks!
R: 4S 1E
Continental Resources seems to be the major directional driller west and north of us near Healdton, Fox and Graham while XTO energy seems to be operating mosting east and south east of us Gene Autry, Dixon, etc and in Love
County too. That’s all I know at this point.
Still trying to get the section besides range and townshp…what section is it? Thanks.
Section 6 in our family -undivided minerals