I have and offer of $300/ acre with 20% for 3 years with 2 year option. Lessee is The Caffey Group.
Any comments>
I have and offer of $300/ acre with 20% for 3 years with 2 year option. Lessee is The Caffey Group.
Any comments>
My family acquired a lease negotiated through W. Calloway Huffaker for $400/A, 25%, 3 years with a 3 year option. This was in the New Lynn area. Where are your minerals? Doug
I have mineral rights in Section 205 Block 4. Land lays along CO Rd 26 East of railroad. This is all East of Tohoka. Dennis
That offer sounds low. Two or three years ago $300 with 20% would have been in line with other rates, but if you look all over this forum in the West Texas area, seems like $400 and 22.5 to 25% seems to be the most frequent offer with a two or three year option.
Robert, thanks, looks like I need to negotiate.
I got a random letter from Caffey on Saturday, June 16, 2012 so I called today and they offered 25% $450 acre 3 yrs with 2 yr option of $450 acre. I had already been talking to them so it was a mystery to me to get this letter. This offer is the same as it was a month ago when I spoke to them.
Do ya'll have info on anything going on in Lynn County at this time? Please share! Thanks
My family has mineral rights in the SE/4 of Sec 26, Blk H, EL&RR Ry. Co. Survey about 5 miles west of O'Donnell and there has not been any kind of an offer. The lease has been open since 1985!
Doug, I looked that up in my Plat book and it seems to be in an area where leasing is going on. It has been hit and miss for the past several months and how they make calls and lease some and not others is a mystery to me.
I will be happy to tell you the phone numbers for Coastal and Caffey if you are interested. Will not hurt to see what they have to say. Just let me know.
My family has mineral rights in the SE/4 of Sec 26, Blk H, EL&RR Ry. Co. Survey about 5 miles west of O'Donnell and there has not been any kind of an offer. The lease has been open since 1985!
M Klingman: thanks for your reply. I would like to have the phone numbers for Coastal and Caffey. Please email the information to me at dougmires@gmail.com Thanks for your help. You can also call me at (806)786-3684. Have a good day.
O.K. folks--I am planning to sign with Coastal this week. My offer is $450 acre, 3 yr, 25%, and two ! yr options
at $500 each yr. Have any of you heard any different? Coastal told me that they were just finishing up the ones
they had in the works and are not leasing any more at this time. Rumor has it that the leasing companies will be
back!!! After all, isn't this the third time they have come and gone? I think our offer is a good one at this time. Anybody have anything to share? Thank you!~