Looking for info on who to lease thru or if there has been any activity close to where our mineral rights are Sec 07-06S-08E.....had a lease that was up at end of April 2014 with Chesapeake at $500 per net acre with 1/8 royalty. it is 4 net acres. Any idea as to who I can contact for anyone interested in leasing this again? I tried renewing with Chesapeake but they were not interested at this time
Scott.. I am right there in the same area Sec 10-06S-08E.. I was told that XTO purchased my lease from Chesapeake. Here's a contact name and email. She's located in Ft Worth.
Hope this helps...
divorder@xtoenergy.com Contact is Angela
Thank you very much....are you under a lease now?
My lease was up on 7-20-14.. Trying to get in touch with XTO myself..
I got in touch with XTO today and they said they're not interested in exercising the 2 year options at this time. Do I just sit and wait for someone else to call wanting to lease Sec 10-06S-08E
I have been calling around and leaving my information and getting the "our team will contact you if they are interested" line, but no call backs or emails. I don't think there is any interest in our area at the moment but that could change in the next year or so