Leasing to Trust Instead of Individuals

My Dad, Aunt and Uncle inherited full mineral rights on 191 acres in Wetzel, Tyler, and Pleasants Counties in WV. My Dad passed away and had a Trust for the estate. Antero wants to work the lease through the Trust instead of directly through me and my brother and sister individually. Is this legitimate from Antero and is there anything we should be on the lookout for?

The company will want to deal with the individuals, entities or trustees who hold title to the minerals. Assuming that the trust has not transferred the minerals to the beneficiaries, then the request does not sound out of line. You should have an attorney from your father’s state review the trust. Usually, but not always, a trust will have the successor trustee distribute the assets to the beneficiaries, Other trusts are designed to manage or hold assets after the death of the grantor.

In short, the company is justified in seeking to deal with the party that currently holds title to the property.

This post is not legal, tax or investment advice. Reading or responding to this post does not create an attorney/client relationship.


Thank you! That’s kind of what I thought, but it’s all new to me.