Leasing vs Selling in Dunn County

My family inherited mineral rights in Dunn county. With several of us involved we are obviously trying to arrive at a consensus. What is the general trend in Dunn County at this time - leasing or selling? Thank you!

Need the section township and range to find activity, if any.

Hello. T144N; S23; R94W Thanks Tom

How about 145-93-33?

My family and I are still trying to get a handle on the level of activity in Dunn County - specific to Section 23; 144N; 94W. If anyone has any activity or knowledge of that area it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Active leasing in 2018 in sections 2 and 11-144N-94W . Lincoln Energy Partners.
section 24 had three leases in mid 2018 by Lincoln Energy Partners.
Most of the sections have at least one horizontal well-usually a multi unit with another section. 24 might eventually go with 13 since there is a well in 1/12 and 25/36. Looks like the main focus in 2018 was getting 2/11 leased up.

33-145N-93W- Lincoln Energy partners is very active in 33. Also Pacer Energy Acquisitions is leasing in 2019.

Thank you for the information!!