Leon County Mineral Interests

Hello Everyone,

My wife’s family has 100 acres in A-162 to the South of Leon County. These wells are located about 10 mi from the Comstock Freestone wells and other oil and gas activity in Roberson County. We received an offer for less than 200$ an acre. We are trying to do our due diligence and get a sense of what others have been offered in the area. Does anyone have familiarity with this area and what the going rate to expect here would be given other activity?

You need to read the posts in the Leon County section of this forum. Also, what is the name of the survey? I’m not finding an A-162 survey in Leon County.

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And also clarify if the offer is for a lease or for a sale.

The survey is Copeland survey right at the bottom of Leon County. They are looking to lease the land.

There are four Copeland Surveys in Leon County. The J Copeland A-166 Survey is just southwest of Marquez. The JP Copeland A-1005 Survey is south of Marquez. The J Copeland A-194 Survey is near Hilltop Lakes. The M Copeland A-4 Survey is northeast of Normangee. Is your wife’s 100 acres in one of those four?

@Alan_Herrington, please also note the N Copeland Survey, A-162, adjacent to the Madison County Line.

That;'s interesting because the Earthpoint Texas Land Survey website does not show that survey for Leon County.

LeonCoMin1: Comstock’s large lease area is located quite a bit north of where your 100 acres are located, but that doesn’t mean that the lease area won’t ever expand in your direction.

Who is your lease offer from?

The lease offer is from Grizzly Land Services. There is Comstock activity to the NW about ten miles away although it doesn’t look to be their main area.

Are you sure they are leasing for Haynesville / Deep Bossier? They could be leasing for the Eaglebine. We have minerals right across the Navasota river from you in Robertson County.

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Grizzly Land is a new player in Leon County…haven’t seen any leases written by them. I was told that the Lower Bossier/Haynesville interval in the vicinity of the N Copeland A-162 Survey is too deep to pursue.

No idea what the target formation might be.

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Yes that’s what I’ve heard it being too deep. It’s 10 mi away from the deeper Bossier but geology may change over the area. Trying to figure out what formation they are interested in, it may be Eaglebine. Wildfire next door has drilled this in the past.