I have received a Mineral Lease offer from Comstock. This new to me. All that has been communicated from Comstock is: is a lease proposal stating, your prop is within the survey, your offer is “x” amount royalty, at “x” amount per NMA for a 3+2 lease, please sign and return. This is a pool of property owners, and doesnt seem to be a large amount of money, so I am not considering attorney involvement. Where do I start ?
Personally, do not agree to the extra two year option. Ask for a higher royalty and ask for a higher bonus. First offers tend to be lowball. Not getting an attorney can cost you royalties in the long run. If you only have a tiny bit of acreage, then you may not want one, but significant acreage would be important. Do you understand every word in the contract you are about to sign? If you only have an offer letter, I do not sign them. I want the actual draft lease in my hands and want to understand every clause and its ramifications for the next 50 years. Also, do not hand over a signed lease without getting paid that day.
Thank you for the reply. Where can I find a map of the well ? Landman says no name or # has been given, I only have (2) survey I.D.'s
If they are at the leasing state, there is probably not a well name yet (or one that is public). If you have the block, abstract and section, we can show you where you are located on a map.
A-163 A-539 Leon County
Very interesting. My family has interest with 6 wells in A-163 but we haven’t received anything. The wells we currently have there are smaller vertical wells that are at the end of their life. We are currently with another drilling company with them. Would be interesting to find out more of where Comstock is planning to run a future rig. We have interest with Comstock in Leon county in another abstract as well.
https://gis.rrc.texas.gov/GISViewer/ A-163
A-539 Comstock just completed two wells in 539. Hogue MMP 1H gas well and Powell BD 1!H First production in late Dec 2024.