Locate who has recorded deed & any production or lease from 2019 to 2024

Would it be possible to get information regarding the following:



Instrument 1-2024-005006 recorded June 5 2024. I have been to the sites that you all have suggested that’s where I got info as this. I’m not sure how to find out what else I need to file. I know my affidavit has been filed but can’t seem to find who has deed or…?

Also has that section I mentioned currently have a lease or did it have production from 2019 to the present?

Exxon has the Indian Hills 1-4H9 well drilled in 2013. The well is still online. Contact the Division Order department to see what you need to do to get into pay status if you have just inherited. They will require your affidavit of heirship and other information. There are quite a few leases in that section and many owners. Since the well is a horizontal well, it is spaced at 640 acres and many owners share in the royalties.

Thank you for that information just waiting on division order.

My question is how do I find out information on royalties to mineral rights that I have inherited from my grandfather who never did any paperwork to receive his royalties etc. I saw on line that after his death in the early 1960’s it then went to my grandmother who passed in 1973 who also was never aware. mother and aunt inherited after grandmother s death In 2010 or 2011 I believe it was my mom received a letter from XTO informing her of the mineral rights she had inherited. In my possession I have all of the paperwork she had and there’s nothing that shows if she inquired about mineral rights and royalties from the time her dad my grandfather had inherited and passed thru his wife who also passed neither of them collected anything . How do I go about getting royalties or lease money if anything had gone on during this time and never collected on?

Thank you Tracy Hartley

Assuming this is important to you, you should contact an experienced oil & gas lawyer in Oklahoma to see what is going on. In the short term, you should check unclaimed property for Oklahoma and see if your relative’s names are listed. This is a public free site.

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