Location of a MR Tract

Good morning,

I know absolutely nothing about the oil and gas drilling business, except that my wife and I hold the MR to a small 7-acre tract in Roosevelt County, The mineral deed identifies the property as follows: "Township 30 North, Range 58 East of Montana Pricipal Meridian, Section 10: South (S1/2), Section 15: East Half (E 1/2), North West Quarter (NW 1/4).

Could anyone tell me if this small tract is in Eastern Roosevelt County? Approximately where is it located? Thanks, Jim Van Straten

James, this MR is located just below seridan county, two sections into roosevelt county, far eastern montana , two townships from North Dakota line.

use this link, http://bogc.dnrc.mt.gov/web_mapper.asp near the top of the page in underlined green click on the GO TO THE MONTANA WEBMAPPER.... this will take you to a yellow map of Montana, use the top icon line to select what you want the map to do. On the left is LAYERS ie: In LAYERS select WELLS (on left) click on the magnifying glass icon (top icon line) and click on the map to zoom in......... you have to keep zooming in to display sections ect.... to identify wells ( black dots on map) click on the top line icon of a black dot with a exclamation sign within it, then click on the dots on the map to identify them........ hope this all didnt confuse you, just play with the map and you will be a "pro" in eight point seven seconds. Brian...

Looks like about 16 miles straight EAST of Froid; on my GIS map it is called "Sand Creed Holdings", I don't know about oil activity in that area!!

DcTex99 and Mr Van Straten, I located this montana gis map server from 99's last post, http://svc.mt.gov/msl/mtcadastral/

It doesn't show wells or have well info, but it does zoom in with topographical, ariel and street views with the townships and ranges and sections shown, makes it easy and nice to see what your mineral right sits under.... check it out Brian...

It is right up their near Canada; on the plot map section 10 contains Turtle Mountain, Jay & JoEllen Barkley and Sand Creek Holdings LLC; I think you may be part of the last one!!! I don't know if their is any drilling or not; 7 acres is not too much; How did you happen to get this???