Logan County, OK - Oil & Gas Discussion archives


Did you put in your lease that you have the right to entry or access your property at any time? That you would be provided a key to any lock gates, etc,? These are things that should be put in leases. Once we sign those leases without at least 2 pages of clauses that the oil company don’t like, then we are crying over spilled milk. You maybe the surface and mineral owner, but the oil company thinks they own your land once these wells go down. I wish you the best of lucky.


Could you give the legal for one of the wells that you see on Google Satellite and the date the pad was put down if you know.

I may not be looking in the right place.


No Trespassing sign mean stay off, do not entry. It’s a good thing you don’t live by any of my farms or you would be in jail by now. It is hard to enforce “No Trespassing”, but it can be done. First, the sheriff has the right to fine a trespasser a min. of $200. in most countries or states. This is only for general use. Then the land owner can file and get the book thrown at them. If I catch someone on any of my farms, I would throw the book at them. Most people don’t want to spent the money to do that, but I would.

Lots of people think they have the right to go on anyone property without asking. This causes fences to get damaged, etc. I did have some kids that trespassed and brought their dogs, I did warn them. But, when their dogs started running the pg cows, that was the end of the warning. I will have the sheriff pick them up next time they get on my property.

I’m sure oil companies feel the same way as a person would be surprised at how much stuff is stolen from oil companies. I know Robert is only wanting to look, but I think I would only do that when OCC field man was with him.


I don’t know why OCC would have any rules regarding Trespassing.

Here are their rules and I don’t see anything under trespassing.


It’s would be hard to prove that you are trespassing on your owner property, but I’m sure a good attorney could do it.

Harley Bade----the first well sight I looked at was the Ruffed Grouse in 20-17-3. The well is located at the south end of the 1/2 mile line between the hi-line and the corner of the property. If you scroll on east you will see pads with two wells along that road.


You may want to read over this, Cabot v Scroggins. This is a case on trespassing land that Cabot oil & gas as leased. It’s not exactly like your case, but where is the fine line??


By the way, I am also the land owner for my lease.

I question the “no tresspassing” sdign in that a sign is just that, it is a sign, and usually has no legal backing to mean much of anything. Different public parking lots, for instance, are installing their own STOP SIGNS, and directional arrows, and VAN Handicap parking, when in most states, to my understanding and logic, these signs mean pretty much of anything because it is public property. Directional flow, i.e. one way only, on these lots is pretty well ignored all day long, as are STYOP signs and VAN parking only. So, if I owned the property, and “they” whom-ever “they” are, installed a sitgn on it reading “No Tresspassing,” would I pay much attention to it? No, they woule have to verbally eject me, and then later have to explain why to the proper authorities. I believe such signs are pretty well much ado about nothing. I could be wrong, of course, but I seriously doubt it to be a felony. Or even a mis-demeanor.

Robert, The OCC told me about 20 years ago that I “could look not touch as long as you have permission from the landowner”, so I called OCC 405-521-2613 (complaints dept) the same day you posted the question and OCC told me the very some thing: “You can go look (not touch) as long as you have the landowners permission.” I’m very concerned that Devon has taken the flowback hands off the job. In all my 20 + years in the O/G biz I have never known a company to be so secretive. One year, we went out in the fields and checked over 50 wells without one company objecting to “look not touch” and not a one of them, even where we found some little problems, posted no trespassing signs. I have to go to a community meeting right now, but will do some research on rules and case law concerning mineral owners rights to access property where their minerals are located and I’ll post what I find. However, I know Virginia is right about the lease clauses, so I may not find much.

I agree about the no trespassing when you are not the land owner. I am the landowner,and hold the most minerals in my unit. I just wanted to know what the OCC regs were on the matter.

Harley----that road is Co. Rd. 75. Ifg you come off Hi-way 77 onto St. 74C south of Mullhal and go west on Co. Rd. 75, there are 4 double well pads and 3 single well pads before you get to Pennsylvania Rd. The last one is Ruffed Grouse.


Martha McM.

OSBI works mostly with oil field equipment theft. It’s going to be very hard to proof oil theft because of lack of metering. IN the pass, I have hired private detective, put marking in the oil tanks, etc. But, I couldn’t get enough to go to court. Once the oil company got wind of it, they closed a producing well. They where using salt water trucks to get a few barrels of oil off several tanks in the area.

Are they not able to drill down the same bore and into another direction, and not call it another well, or do they need another drilling permit to do so? How many directions and at how many depths can they legally go? How many times are they permitted to frac a well, and does this fracing often not force it to flow inot other peoples sections etc etc? And then it comes up through some other land owners wells heads?

This is a pre-assessemnt of the Wolf Well in Kay County on the KS-OK line, printed in FH 2012. I do not know what the Wolf is doing now.

Last month, one of FTTN’s competitors, Osage Exploration and Development, Inc. (OTCBB: OEDV) announced that the 72-hour Initial Production rate on its Wolf 1-29 horizontal well in Kay County, Okla., averaged over 1,185 BOE/D. The total production was composed of approximately 85 percent oil and 15 percent high BTU natural gas"""



**Texas State Game Wardens will educate trespassers very quickly… ** I agree with Virginia, you trespass on my ranch and I will prosecute you no matter what the cost.


Clint Liles

I do agree with both Clint and Virginia that when i tresspass on their property, many landowners will prosecute, and have varying results dependinn on which state, maybe even locality. But I do believe that in any state, one can not tresspass on their very own property, and no landowner would be found in contempt by any judge if the situation was explained the way it should be. Land owndership in the USA is a blessed event and absolute Constitutional Right, and I honestly do not believe any court would not side with the landowner based on a lease that the landowner would claim they knew nothing about the absense of a clause allowing him to go onto their very own property. It is allowed for landlords in the rental and leasin community in all states. I do believe any elected judge would have to side with the landowner or fact the writh of the voters in coming elections. If you own the property, then you certainly do have the right to post no trespassing signs, and to prosecute, and they do so. But Robert is asking about his very own property rights, guarenteed by the United States Constitution, and no oil company no matter how big and powerful they think they are, can take this away from us, no more than they can take our guns away from which we need to guarentee our no trespassing for landowners is. Just because somebody says “You can’t do that…” does not make it law or even legal.

Robert, http://www.ok.gov/osbi/Investigative/Oil_Theft_Unit/index.html


Don’t know where you are getting your legal advise, but you are wrong on several things. I have owner rent houses and unless you have in your contract/lease that you can entry, you do not have the right to go in. If you have to evict for non-payment, you have to pay a constable to stand there while you hired people to throw their things on the curb. Once everything is out, they are fully evicted, then you can go in. This can take up to 3 months in most states.

Martha McM,

Thanks for the information. I never had much luck with them, but will try them in the future if I have problems. Hope I won’t have any problems. But, Devon is starting to drill under me, so I’m hoping they will be good. Just got notices that Continental Resources is selling some of it’s Logan Co wells to D & J out of Enid. Don’t know much about them. If it’s anything like the D & J in TX, I think it’s foreign money. Has anyone had any dealing with them?

My understanding is that foreign interests have been in Logan and other counties for years, some of the stealth investments from China, North Korea and a few others, possibly even Iran, and it would really surprise me greatly to find out that Iran has not heavily invested here. As for marking the inside of oil taks, even by Private Investigators? I question how this could even be done? Realizing a lot of what I write here and other places might be construed as somewhat or even overwhelmingly outrageous and or ludicrous, and intentionaly written so, as I know what I am doing and you do not know what I am doing here. But it all has abottom line of getting what I want out of the whole matters at hand, and it works every single time. Every time, no exceptions. Besides that, it is great fun, and profitable, and much of it, in spite of what the so called experts insist, is very true and right on the money. Some of it is trash and deserves to be treated as such, and most certainly is treated as trash, and that is fine and as it should be. But nearly all of our best ideas come from outrageous and ludicrous matterial, and that should be at least among the 3 top rules of exploration, production, and research, and forget what has been done in the past. It is done, finis, capoot. Move on to more and better ways, of which there are plenty of, if we just have the visualation to see.