Looking for Advice on Selling surface rights

I Own a majority interest in a small land parcel in Karnes County, TX with an undivided interest. Looking for legal advice and assistance on petitioning the court for a sale while retaining my current separate mineral interest.

In Texas you can separate the mineral rights from the surface estate by a deed filed of record in the local County Clerks Office in the County where the property is located. You can also sell your undivided interest without going to court. You can sell your undivided interest to anyone. Try selling your interest to the others that own the other part. Or buy them out.

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It would be wise to get an attorney involved in order to sever mineral interest from the surface estate. One wrong word can nullify your intentions. The forum cannot give legal advice. There are several attorneys listed in the Directories tab above. You do not need to go to court unless something unusual is involved. The attorney will let you know if that is the case.

@Tombstone7805 you mention petitioning the Court regarding a sale, is there some impediment related to the property that requires a Court approval? Maintaining your mineral interest is a simple process that can be accomplished by executing a “Surface Only” deed. Most attorneys can assist you with this process.