I am currently seeking landowners and mineral owners to lease from... Anything from 2-3 sections and up to 15-25 sections....
I own minerals and can be reached by email Cinderlyn1967@gmail.com. My land & minerals are in the Bakken Shale, Dawson County Montaba. Previously had lease with Petro-Hunt!
typo Montana … If you’d like my number just email me thanks!
Hey Cynthia,
I am e-mailing you right now
My brothers and I have acreage in Richland county in Montana also. Depends on how much you are offering. Our lease is coming up for renewal not long from now.
With oil diviing to $52.45 today; are you sure????..lol
Hello, My name is Mike and you can email me at orangecrush1@hotmail.com and I would look at discussing this with you. I have mineral acres in ward county and mountrail county if you are interested.
Hi Scott, my family has 320 acres in Richland and 320 acres in Dawson County available for lease. Please send me your email if you are interested
160 acres no section if interested
We have unleased minerals in a quarter next to Whiting's production. Give me an email and we can discuss.
We & other family members have minerals in Mountrail County 158N, 94W if interested in that area.
My email is hartmandesign@gmail.com
Thanks- Garren
I have 3 1/4’s that I would like to lease out. 1 is in mount rail county and 2 are in ward county. You can reach me at orangecrush1@hotmail.com 920-254-7688
If you're still looking I have 40 net acres in northern Billings County taht just came up to lease... jeremiahmcneil@gmail.com Thanks!
Varner hasn't replied to anything or posted since July 7, 2015, the day after he started this thread.
You can go to his home page and find his e-mail...Varner Construction or some such. Varner styles himself Landman/accountant. If I had to make a guess, I would suspect he was just someone interested in sticking a toe into the water in O&G as a sideline and gave up rather quickly. But I could be wrong.