My Mother has Mineral Rights in Neshoba County, Mississippi. I am having a terrible time locating them. They were recorded in August 1993 with the Neshoba County. I have been managing her property for 2 years now and we don’t show any income received let alone taxes paid. She recently passed away and we are trying to transfer ownership to her heirs. Can someone point me in the right direction? I have the original Conveyance with the original stamps but her property isn’t listed in the Tax Rolls.
Have you reached out to the MS Oil and Gas Board for suggestions? You might try contacting Frank Spencer (601) 576-4900 [] he the the board attorney
If you have the original conveyance it will show the book and page that it is recorded in the court house.
It should also show the location (section, township and range). With the location, you can go on the MS Oil and Gas website and check to see if there are any producing wells. Hope this helps!