Looking for Some Advice on How to Start

Good afternoon everyone,

I am new to the world of oil/gas drilling and land leasing. I am admittedly naive to everything in this realm.

My family has approximately 134 acres of property mineral rights located on the Utica shale. We have received no solicitation to drill recently, but with the change in government administration, I want to be prepared beforehand for any opportunities.

Could anyone provide me some advice on what the first steps to take are if we want to try and use our mineral rights to produce some wealth for our family?

Many thanks to any and all!


Not much you can do. Have to sit and wait until a company decides your property is worth drilling

Look up your area on the Utah Datamining map to see if you are near the active areas.

Keep up on the mergers and acquisitions of oil & gas companies in the area. Read their investor presentations if available.

A good book to read is “Look before you Lease” by Jim Stafford. It is a bit old, but a nice primer. Also read the Mineral Help tab above. Always good to have an attorney review any potential lease as they are rarely in the favor of the mineral owner and need substantive edits.

Make sure your family has all of their names and addresses and any title information such as deeds and probate properly filed in the courthouse where the minerals are located. If the landmen cannot find you, they cannot lease you. If they are interested, they will come looking.

Martha, I believe their rights are in Ohio or Pennsylvania.

Whoops, My eyes twitched and shorted out. Had just looked something up in the Uinta in Utah, so read it too quickly.

Here are the GIS links for Ohio and Pennsylvania.



Many thanks to everyone for your responses and information!

Hi! I have been offered a lease for small amount of land in Marion County, Texas. Even though it is not a great amount of money, I would like someone to look at the lease before I sign it because I do not want to make a costly mistake. I tried to read the lease, but it was like reading a book in a foreign language. The Mineral Help tab on this forum will not let me open it. Please advise me when you have time. I truly appreciate your “words of wisdom.”

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Shelby, you will get better responses if you will enter a post for Marion Co, TX. With that said, an OGL is a complex document dependent on your type of interest. If the document is confusing to you, then the assistance from this forum may also be confusing. You may want to consider getting professional assistance with a review of the document that may include negotiations. Balance this suggestion with the economic value of the property. If you are in Marion Co, then you may be able to find a local landman or attorney for assistance. Good luck.

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