Marathon drilling Woodford

Just received “Notice of Hearing” that Marathon is applying to drill additional in the Woodford as the recently completed Eubank wells “will not and cannot effectively and efficiently drain all of the primarily hydrocarbons…” Cause CD 2022-001497 & 2022-001496. The oil patch is a hoppin’!

This is section 3 & 10 03n 04w

Hi jackie, we as well have recieved the same “notices” and cause CDs with thoses numbers. We are trying to find out what is our next best step. Do we have a time line or deadline to respond or should we pass this along to our attorneys. We are completing the division orders on these same sites, but we understand this is a very hot zone(s). We welcome any additional input, thx.

You do not have to do anything for an Increased Density case. Just sit back and wait for them to decide how many they will approve. In this case, they may have already drilled the wells.

If you have Division Orders from previously drilled wells, you can go ahead and sign them. Be sure that you send in a W-9.

Thanks for your reply. We also recieved cause CD notice for specific horizontal wells in place, like woodford, sycamore and concho. I assume these would be considered “perforations”? Is that right? Like i said, still waiting for final division orders. So, i shouldnt have to forward these to our attorney, correct??
Initially, had 2 wells that i was looking into but now realize the additional horizontal wells as well. Thank you so much

Those are just informational documents informing you of what is before the commission. The Woodford, Sycamore, etc. are potential reservoirs that are being considered for the drilling and eventual perforation. You can forward to your attorney just for him having complete documentation, but you probably don’t need to pay him to look at them. The only OCC case that requires attention are pooling cases. They have a 20 day clock on them.

Usually, they file the Increased density cases before they drill the wells. Sometimes, if they have a rig on location or on its way, they file for emergency cases to not lose money on rig day payments with no action happening. Not sure what status these are in. The wellrecords site has the info on wells-permits, spud, completions, etc. (by surface location).

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