Marathon nonpayment

Did anyone also not receive a November payment from Marathon for the Kem Ranch wells. Sent three emails to Marathon and still no reason why.

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Marathon was bought by Conoco Phillips which closed about then, and the KEM wells were part of the purchase. Contact Conoco instead.

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We did receive a December 23 check from Marathon, but had approximately $485 in negative charges, primarily from months Feb.- April. Am thinking possibly a claw back for claimed over payment. Not sure.

I know of several folks who have had KEM clawbacks. Not all that unusual.

Thanks Martha. Initially, I thought this to be the reason for the November nonpayment, for lack of any positive amount. However, couldn’t Marathon send a statement even if it was a big ZERO ?

The operators are not obliged to send out statements if there are no royalties due that month. Marathon is one of many who send “nothing” which is rather annoying, but that is how it works.

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Yes, we have more than a few operators that send statements periodically. This was a first for Marathon, thought they might be an exception. Had one operator recently send a check for $0.

Just received payment for the Kem Ranch wells, through Dec. '24.

Not the same kind of problem, but …I had a non-assignment clause in a lease with Continental. They asked for my consent (give) then assigned to Camino. I have been trying for months to arrange for direct deposit of royalties because we have organized gags breaking into neighborhood mailboxes. Without success. At the same time Mach an other assignees have easily complied with my request. Latest development, my last letter to royalty owners division was returned as undeliverable. Boy, I wish I had withheld consent! Anyone else have problems with Camino or is it just me? Jim Brock

Camino now uses a 3rd party vendor to process their royalty checks. You can call FIS at 1-877-330-4950 for them to send you the document with instructions.

Don: Done that, sent them all the info. Twice. Telephone is not an option as I am deaf as a stone and my wife was unable to clear things up. Not complaining about disabilities, at age 94 I am thankful just to be here.