Marietta Ok Love Co

Need information on section 20 Township 7 South Range 2 east Love Co. Ok

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MRF Administration

I do not know what more info you want you have my name and exact loction my minerals are?

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Hi Donna, As you noted that section is mostly in the town of Marietta, OK. It doesn’t looks there are any oil wells in that particular section, although the surrounding sections have had horizontal wells put into service in recent years. The Reed 1-28H21X16 in Section 21 just started producing in March 2021. Hope this is the information you were looking for.

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So what does that mean for me was there not oil struck there what do horizontal wells mean to me?

The Miller 1-28H-20X17 was permitted in 2019 and at least spud (started drilling on Feb 26, 2019). Look at the map attached in post. The well has a surface location in 28 and then turns and goes into 20 and 17. The Reed 1-28H21X16 was drilled from the same surface location and goes due north into 21 and 16. That well was completed in March of 2021.

No information is currently posted on the Miller well as of today. XTO is the operator. You can contact them and perhaps find out if they have completed the well or if they drilled the other well instead. Much of the drilling and completions slowed down during 2020 due to the drop in demand and price.

Many times a horizontal well will extend over two sections. It may not have the surface location over your minerals, but will have the surface in the section right across the line. The map above shows the intended pathway which would drain hydrocarbons from section 20 and provide you with royalty income if successful.

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