I would like to determine if this property stayed in the family and secure my legal rights. I know NOTHING about mineral rights, so ANY information or direction would be helpful.
Mineral Deed dated 2/7/45 from Eliza (Elizabeth) Rice, widow of Francis M. Rice (my maternal great-grandfather), to Elmer Lee Rice (my maternal grandfather) and his 8 siblings.
Legal description:The Northeast Quarter (NE/4)of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4)of Section
Twenty-nine (29), Township Twenty-two (22), Range Seven (7) E. and the
East One-half (E/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of the Southeast
Quarter (SE/4) of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township Twenty-two (22)
North, Range Seven (7) E
Thanks All!
I guess what you're trying to determine is whether your grandfather sold his interest to a third party or whether your mother might have inherited his interest. I'm assuming your grandfather is no longer available to ask? If your grandfather still owned the property at his death, then the interest should have been transferred to his heirs during probate, but of course stuff can get missed. The primary question you are asking is what happened to your grandfather's interest.
Perhaps the best place to start is to call the Pawnee County Clerk's office, (405) 762-2732, and explain what you're wanting to know. All transfers of mineral interests are recorded with the county, just like real estate records. If they're not too busy, they may be able to look it up for you. Or, they may refer you to a local landman who could search the records for you for a small fee. It would help them if you have the book & page where the deed was recorded as a starting point (it would be stamped on the deed if you have the recorded copy). There has never been any oil or gas production in the SE/4 29-22N-7E, so the records shouldn't be too terribly complicated to search. Good luck, and email me if you have any other questions. april.orgren@gmail.com