My sister and I each have 30 acres of mineral in Blk DD, Section 44, Terry County. We're two years into a five year lease with High Plains Energy. A few days ago I got a letter from a company called Mayflower Exploration offering to buy the mineral rights for $2000/ acre. It's a form letter which went out to all our family members who own the adjoining rights. Does anyone know about Mayflower Exploration? Is this common business practice? What's a more realistic number for mineral rights in Terry County?
I have the lease right next to you DD 43. Sounds low to me they just drilled the wild cat well over by us maybe that’s why the offer figure they can get it cheap or they know something.
We are in the same area and got the same letter. They asked for all of the mineral related information, so I'm guessing the offer is not firm. I'm not planning to respond. They have a website that provides a little more info.