Mineral activity in Daniels and Fallon county MT

We have mineral rights in Sec.2 and 3 - 34N - 50E and Sec. 31 - 35N - 51 E od Daniels County, MT.

Also mineral rights in Sec. 18 -5 - 55E in Fallon County, MT.

I am wondering if there is any kind of mineral activity in either of these counties. Thank you.

Sec.2 and 3 - 34N - 50E One dry hole in sec 2, no wells in sec 3.

Sec. 31 - 35N - 51 E no wells in or nearby.

18-5N?-55E only one dry hole in the entire township. That was in section 10.

Thank u so much for the info. Didnt see the place to reply to u until now. Thanks again

We have mineral rights in Daniel’s country and received royalty payments early in 2024 and none for the later part of the year. Now we just received a payment on Jan 2025. Can anyone please explain what is happening?

If you give a section, township and range, we may be able to help.
Did the operator change? Did you get close to your minimum payment of $100? You can change that to $25 to get paid more often.

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