We have lost our farming tenant and have decided to sell our 320 ac. farm in Terry county along with the mineral rights. We own 100% of the mineral and wind rights and would like to find the value of them. Any help or knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Jeff
Are you looking to sell the surface and minerals together or severing the minerals and selling them separate?
Willing to do it both ways!
Could I ask what Block and half section the property is part of?
Block D-11 Sec 71 NE,SE
If you are interested in using a realtor I can provide you with the name of the realtor in Lubbock who helped us sell our ranch in Terry County. They specialize in farm and ranch sales and will likely have an idea about non-producing minerals interests. There also numerous irrigated farms in that area.
Hi Linda, Thank you ! Would like info on realtor you used.
Keep in mind that you might be facing significant capital gains taxes. Check this out with a CPA before taking any offers.
We used Middleton & Sons out of Lubbock, TX.
You can also search realtor.com to find realtors who have listings of farms and ranches in Terry County. You might find it helpful to look at the Texas railroad commision gis map (both street and image view) so you have a good idea of the oil and gas production and irrigation in the area.
good luck
You might want to try Kaleb Curry. He is from the area and very knowledgeable. He mainly deals in farm and ranch land in the Gaines county area. His family has been representing real estate and mineral holding for many years.
kaleb@chaney.realestate 4322091612
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