I just uncovered some mineral rights deeds my grandfather signed over to my father in 1966. Two of these deeds were for a parcels in Renville County and Mountrail County. My father is now very elderly and remembers very little about any of it. Apparently mom took care of most of this stuff and unfortunately she passed several years ago, before any of this came to light. My brothers and I are trying to figure out exactly what we have. I believe the first thing we need to do is determine if the deeds are in fact valid. None of us live even close to North Dakota and even if we did, I'm not sure we would know how to approach this issue. I am looking for any help in researching the deeds. Are there people in North Dakota that perform this service? Is a mineral deed treated the same as a real estate deed? Obviously, we are new to the whole oil and mineral area, so any help/advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
hi Ron, email your request to this email: lfisher@state.nd.us <lfisher@state.nd.us>
I hope this helps.
Ron Mayer
are there any producing oil wells in Renville county, is anything happening over there.
Thank you, Mr. Mayer. I will certainly do so.
Ron Ruffin
Ron Mayer said:
hi Ron, email your request to this email: lfisher@state.nd.us <lfisher@state.nd.us>
I hope this helps.
Ron Mayer