I have mineral interest in Jack County available to lease: 355 acres abstract 315 John Jacobs survey . Who should I contact?
I have some also and can contact other mineral owners totaling 1/2 the minerals as well if you get a contact.
The last activity I find in the area of your minerals was to the South/Southeast in Abstract 915. G & F Oil Co., Inc had an approved permit(API 237-40450) to drill the Marble Falls, Ellenberger, and Barnet Shale formations. That permit was approved October 13, 2016. So far I find no spud(begin drilling)date or completion report for that well.
Clint Liles
My family has the following 120 acres mineral rights for lease in Jack County.
> Land Description situated in Northwest corner of Barnett Shale - Jack
> County, Texas:
> Being 120 acres of the John Jacobs Survey, Abstract No. 315, and
> described as follows:
> Beginning at a pile of stone on the North line of said Jacobs
> Survey, a Post Oak bears South 70' West 8-1/2 varas, same being the
> Northeast corner of 150 acres conveyed to J. N. Craig by J. M. Wright
> and wife by deed recorded in Vol. 33, Page 594, of the Deed Records of
> Jack County, Texas;
> Thence West at 250 varas, the South side of the Post Oak and
> Newport public road, at 532.3 varas, corner in said road, in the North
> line of said Jacobs Survey, a Post Oak 20 inches in diameter bears
> North 17' 30" West
> 22.2 varas, another Post Oak 18 inches in diameter bears South 51' 30"
> West
> 25.7 varas;
> Thence with said road South 73' West 233 varas to corner in same,
> Post Oak 20 inches in diameter bears South 76' East 12.5 varas;
> Thence with center of said road, South 79' 22" West 328 varas
> corner in same, Post Oak 15 inches in diameter bears South 65' 45"
> East 19.6 varas, another Post Oak 8 inches in diameter bears South 68' 35" East 18.3 varas;
> Thence East with the North line of a tract now owned by J. E.
> Waldrop 1077.6 varas to the Southeast corner of said 150 acre tract;
> Thence North 664 varas to the place of beginning.
> Please advise if you are interested as soon as possible as we are
> entertaining other offers at this time on that property. If you choose
> to contact me by phone, please call 940-235-9713 Please leave message and I will contact you.
Thank you.
> Jan Bowles Pearce
> 4411 Call Field Road
> Wichita Falls, TX 76308
Any update on finding someone to lease the Jack County areas?
nope. still no interest. do you know anyone who might be interested?