Mineral lease in somerset county PA

Are there any land men who could be interested in somerset county mineral leases?,, My husband and I have 24.5 mineral acres in somerset county Pennsylvania, which I would like to lease of course depending on the terms.

Appreciate a reply.


I'd imagine that there would be very little interest in Somerset. It's well into the dry gas areas. If they're not finding you, they're not interested. Maybe when gas sells for more.

You can find leases/memorandi filed at the courthouse. http://www.landex.com/webstore/

You can track spudded wells on the state's website. http://www.depreportingservices.state.pa.us/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?/Oil_Gas/Spud_External_Data

A search from 1/1/11 to now reveals 13 wells spud by two companies, Chief and Chevron.

Thank you so much for the reply.