I just received a lease offer from a landman for a small interest in South Johnston County. Their offer seems low to me ($500 NMA bonus, 1/5th royalty, Term of 3 years) has anyone else been approached to lease in this area (Sec 27-04S-04E)? Thanks in advance for you help.
Hi Don! Looks like Exxon has a horizontal well there already. Barney 1-26H27. It is in the Woodford and still active. Is the offer for another horizon or are you already leased at all depths or just pooled in the Woodford?
Bald Mountain just filed a bunch of Memorandum of Leases in section 26,so looks like they are keeping the terms out of the public eye.
Bunch of infill well cases in the NW portion of the township by BNK Petroleum
Thank you, Martha, good advice as always. Happy Thanksgiving!
How big is the play? I have interest in Sect 29, 31 and 32 - all in Woodford.
29-4S-4E has the Camp Creek 1-29H well in the Woodford.
30-4S-4E has the Stowers 1-31H30 well in the Woodford.
31-4S-4E has the Brown 1-6H31 and 2-31H wells in the Woodford.
32-4S-4E has the Gayle 1-32H well in the Woodford. All by Exxon.
The Woodford play extends for thousands of square miles. Kansas, OK, NM, Texas. You can see more in teh Cana Woodford Shale category on the forum.
I’m in the Camp Creek, Brown and Gayle wells. Just wondering if the recent leasing is for a new formation or just increased density in the Woodford.
If folks are leased with no depth clause then they are usually held from the surface to the center of the earth. Unless there are higher zones that have been released by Pugh clauses. If folks were pooled only for the Woodford, then those mineral owners could be open to leases for shallow zones.
I understand Pugh clauses. I have ORRI. Just wondering if there will be additional drilling and what horizon(s).
Without a crystal ball, nobody knows.
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