I have minerals in sec 6-21-15 Major county OK. I’M trying to get Staghorn to release the minerals so i can maybe get a new lease . Their only well is the Bouse 1-6 and it has not produced in over 3 years and it is plugged acording to them. There are 2 other wells in the section which are well bore ownership only. The White 1-6 which is owned by Hux Oil Co not producing and the bouse 2-6 which is owned by Atchely It is still producing. My question is by law isn’t Staghorn required to release the minerals as they have the drilling rights in the section?
In short no. But if a company wants to take leases in your section, the landman will review the county clerk’s records and if he determines your lease has expired under its own terms he will contact you about a new lease. Good luck.
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