Mineral Records in Caddo County, OK

Does anyone know if Caddo County mineral records can be searched free online? Until recently, I had been able to search using Real Property Official Records Search. That seems to have been replaced by avenuinsights.com, which charges a $10 daily usage fee for ‘Casual’ users. I just want to be able to confirm for myself that my family’s leases have been filed.

Here is another possible link or two.

Caddo County - OSCN 7


Thank you, Martha. Unfortunately, the Real Property Official Records Search that I had been using no longer works. It appears that Caddo County has changed and is now using Avenu Records.

I wasn’t able to find anything on the OSCN site either.

Hopefully at some point I’ll stumble across another free site for occasional users to search indexed names.

I have a license to software that can check to see what has been filed. What section township range and what is the name of the Lessor? I will check to see if your lease has been filed if you like.

Thank you so much for your kind offer, but I just got an update from the landman that my lease and my cousins leases were finally filed on October 12th. So finally, one thing I can scratch off of my To Do list.

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