XTO is listed on PCTA Tax Statement as the operator on the Owens Wells. We receive XTO Revenue Statements on these wells We also receive Revenue Statements on these wells from TRNG.
PCTA list these wells as a group on the Tax Statement. Both XTO & TRNG list them separately on the revenue statements.
Question 1: Why is the Decimal of Interest on these wells not the same as the following documents indicate?
The Decimal of Interest .00177 listed in #52085, Bk: DR, Vol.: 275, Page: 570 Lelma Boatman (deceased grandmother) Last Will & Testament Doc: 149890, BK: DR, Vol: 1558, Page: 673, and Betty Boatman (deceased mother) XTO/ExxonMobil Subsidiary Transfer Schedule ‘A’ Date of Transfer 06/04/2020 …which shows Transferor Decimal : .00176639 and Transfer Decimal .00035328 Owens Well 3: AB 427 Moorman A Survey API: 365 31360 Parcel ID: 2171407 PCTA Lease: 24765 Category Code: G1 – Oil & Gas Royalty Interest: .00035328 Operator: XTO (DOI Decimal .00026582 for NGL, RES, FLB TRNG (DOI Decimal .0002241884 or .0000591725 for RES, & .000217529 or .0000591725 for PLP, Field: Carthage (Cotton Valley), RRC # & Dist. Lease: 06 109756 On Schedule: Yes
Owens Well 4: AB 427 Moorman A Survey API: 365 31664 Parcel ID: 2171407 PCTA Lease: 24765 Category Code: G1 – Oil & Gas Royalty Interest: .00035328 Operator: XTO (DOI Decimal .00026582 for NGL, RES, FLB, & .00035328 for CON TRNG (DOI Decimal .00021397957 for RES, .0000591725 for PLP Field: Carthage (Cotton Valley), RRC # & Dist. Lease: 06 117007 On Schedule: Yes
Owens Well 5:
AB 427 Moorman A Survey
API: 365 31664
Parcel ID:2171407
PCTA Lease: 24765
Category Code: G1 – Oil & Gas
Royalty Interest: .00035328
Operator: XTO (DOI Decimal .00026582 for NGL, RES, FLB, & .00035328 for CON
TRNG (DOI Decimal .000216613 for RES & .0002309158 for PLP
Field: Carthage (Cotton Valley), RRC# & Dist. Lease: 06 141735
On Schedule: Yes
Owens 6: AB 427 Moorman A Survey API: 365 32619 Parcel ID: 2171407 PCTA Lease: 24765 Category Code: G1 – Oil & Gas Royalty Interest: .00035328 Operator: XTO (DOI Decimal .00026582 for NGL, RES, FLB, .00035328 for CON TRNG (DOI Decimal .0002365744 for RES, & .0002228732 for PLP Field: Carthage (Cotton Valley), RRC # & Dist. Lease: 06 142528 On Schedule: Yes
Question 2: Why does the PCTA have these wells grouped together within this Owens Unit?
Question 3: Why do the statements show that both XTO and TRNG pull the same product (ie. Condensate) from the same well, in the same month, with different prices? Why do the interests rates vary every month between both companies and between the products taken from the well?
Thanks for any and all input, Babby