My mother has been contacted regarding selling her mineral interest in SW/4 SEC 41, BLK 36, TIN, T&P SVY. From looking at postings, I see that is not uncommon. The interesting thing is that she was not aware she even owned this mineral interest.
We are trying to get information about what is going on in the area in order to determine if she should consider the offer. The Property Name on the DO is TWISS 41B#1. Pioneer Natural Resources is the operator of the well.
Thank you for any information you can provide.
Please add your state and county.
Contact Pioneer Natural Resources and ask for a copy of the Division Order title opinion paragraph that shows she has title to the acreage that goes with that well. Good for you for doing research before jumping on an offer. Find out if there are horizontal wells nearby. Activity will be slower than usual during this downturn so a good time to get informed and also see if she might have other mineral rights.
Thank you so much for this information.
This property is located in Martin County, Texas.
Will Pioneer be able to give us the information on horizontal wells that are nearby and additional mineral rights?
What are they offering per acre?
They will probably only answer the question pertaining to that particular well. You can ask, but don’t be surprised if you do not get an answer. Once you find out who gave her the minerals, then you can do some searching on her name and the previous name on If she does eventually consider selling, she needs to find out the value of the minerals at the time she received them for capital gains purposes. And I would get more than one bid to see if what is offered is in the ballpark, low or high.
You can look up the acreage on the TX Railroad commission site to see what wells are nearby.
Unless there is a dire need to sell or a reasonable financial reason to sell, it may be wise to get the payments on the current well and get very informed before deciding on selling. We are in an unusual low price period. Post any further questions on the Martin County, TX website and local folks can answer with more knowledge. This is the general topic area.
We have definitely decided not to sell. I will get on Martin Co website and get educated. Many thanks!!
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