Mineral Rights Location Help

I am a complete newbie to this, my family just learned our Grandparents owns mineral rights for several properties in Stillwater, OK. Is there a easy way to decipher this location to an actual property? I would love to understand the language.

West half (W1/2) of Lot Ten (10) Country Club District, a Subdivision of the South half (S1/2) of NorthWest quarter NW 1/2of Section Twenty-Six (26), Township Nineteen (19) North Range Two (2) East.

Thank youo

The description is for a subdivision within Payne County. at about 2302 S. Husband St. This site shows the properties within that subdivision:

List Search Page (spatialest.com)

You can use this site to enter the State, Section, Township and Range to take you to the legal description.
Township and Range Search By Description (earthpoint.us)

You can search land records here:

Payne County - Public Records - Login Screen

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