I am a complete newbie to this, my family just learned our Grandparents owns mineral rights for several properties in Stillwater, OK. Is there a easy way to decipher this location to an actual property? I would love to understand the language.
West half (W1/2) of Lot Ten (10) Country Club District, a Subdivision of the South half (S1/2) of NorthWest quarter NW 1/2of Section Twenty-Six (26), Township Nineteen (19) North Range Two (2) East.
Good advice from Winblad. The easiest way to read legal descriptions and find them on a map is by reading from right to left. This allows you to find the State, then County, then Township and the corresponding Range, next you find the Section. Once you are in the Section you continue the same process. Think of the Section as a square and you are being directed to an area one step at a time. The NW/4 (Northwest quarter) is the W/2 (West half) of the N/2 (North half) of the Section. A Section is generally considered to be 640 acres. Each following part of the description takes you to a sub-part of the previous description. I hope this helps.