Mineral rights physical location in Texas

At what point are my mineral right’s recognized by an Operator? For example, does their horizontal bore have to traverse any part of my land? Does my land need to be merely above the natural gas deposit on which they are drilling even though the termination point is not on my property? I have noticed that Comstock Energy has a horizontal bore that appears to skirt one of my boundary lines. I will be calling them this week. I would like to hear from a Landman for his/her opinion.

@Bedrick, often this depends on the particular well involved and how its lease is setup. Typically, yes, if a productive part of the well bore crosses a property it would be included, but often wells may start at the surface and have some unproductive distance in one section and have the productive part of the well in other sections. Also it depends if you are determining the well-bore path by GIS map or by the actual well plat drawing. The GIS map is sometimes an approximation.

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First question, the point in which an Operator would recognize your mineral rights would be when your mineral rights are included in the Operators spacing unit in their drilling permit or Designation of Unit. Second question, the horizontal wellbore path does not have to traverse your property so long as your property is included the unit being developed. Third question, I believe question two answers this also. I am sure someone will chime-in if I am off on any of this.